Saturday, December 15, 2007

We be Decoratin' .....

Hi all. Today I was given the task of selecting a Christmas Tree. This is no easy task. Last year I had the assistance of Tyler and Naoko. This year no one helped me so it was a difficult task. Sandra had many specifics of which I could not fail,"a good looking tree from all sides, tall, capable of hanging lights and decor missing branchs, straight.....etc." Dave (here visiting with Lydia) didn't want any part of the selection... a wise man. Lydia was supporting me, but she is Sandra's lifelong friend so I was concerned. To protect my delicate situation I drew up a Contract stating my position. Sandra signed, with conditions, but I felt protected... The first place I went to was where we found the tree last year. The selection was not good this year, the trees were sheared like little fat men! Ever see a chubby fully round Christmas tree? Well, these didn't fit the bill for the new house or Sandra! I found a "U-Cut" on Fagarud Rd. that had a great selection. There were so many I froze at one point and couldn't distinguish one from the other! I strolled a bit on my own and finally saw one that fit the requirements. I measured the tree, ahhh yes, a good clean balanced 8 Feet! The tree, a Noble fir, didn't look tall enough, but I reminded myself to 'trust the measurement.' So I began cuttin and thought, I hope it's not too short!! So, I took that tree home in the back of my van with the door open and went in the house through the back laundry room. I realized then it was big. It was difficult to get in and after drying it some I placed it into a stand and at that time Sandra and the others arrived home and were please with the tree I selected. It is a good tree after all! We've decorated it with white lights and our ornaments of the ages! Have a look!


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