Saturday, December 01, 2007

From Sailing to Snow in Two Hours

This has been a very interesting day. I took Danny to Magical Strings to work and as I came home off the hill, I saw sailboats with spinnakers flying as they sailed north through Colvos "west" Passage on a semi-annual "Round Vashon Island Race." There must have been a hundred of them. I could see them from one end of the Island to the other from the high vantage of Olalla "highlands." I couldn't help but stop and view them from an opening in the trees. If it were a bit clearer you'd be able to see Mt. Rainier in the background of all these photos.
But the day had more interest in store. About an hour later some snow began to fall, and more, and more, and before you know it we were all white on the roof of our house and in the yard. Most interesting! I began to fear for a power outage and the resulting long time of waiting to be put back on one. I went to Home Depot and picked up a moderate, actually quite small, catalytic heater. It runs and propane and is safe indoors, and has a CO montitor with shut off if needed, even an anti-tip shut off. Anyway, I put it on and have heated the house for some 4 hours now to see it's ability and the temp in the house has gone up two degrees and outside has dropped a degree! Pretty convincing.


At 5:26 PM, Blogger sandylew said...

aren't these beautiful pictures?


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