Sunday, January 28, 2007

Bridge Progress

I took a couple of rides over the Narrows Bridge this week and got to see the new bridge's progress. Take a look at the last couple of sections being positioned. The last two sections are seen on the ship in this photo taken Thursday. On Friday the ship was gone and both sections suspended on the new bridge awaiting squeezing into place. This was a great moment for me as I recall the first of three boatloads being delivered last year and seeing the first one get lifted. Take a look back at last Sept. with a stange view of bridge deck....

On this trip I also got to ride the new bike trail along highway 16. It's 10 feet wide and smooth and goes through a cool tunnel under 19th street. That's one of those busy streets you hope you don't have to cross. After that it goes by Cheney baseball field (minor league for Mariners) and ends up near the Target store just a block from the Allenmore Hospital and Bertalinos Coffee Bar! Here's a short video of riding through it....

The trail is just under 3 miles long and links with the existing one near the bridge. When the new bridge is complete it will have a 10 foot wide bike/pedestrian lane as well. In addition to that the Cushman Trail going to Gig Harbor from the Bridge is going to be extended to Purdy in the near future. Good biking will be had!


At 6:09 AM, Blogger Lydia said...

that's pretty scary that you ride and take video at the same time! nice devotion to the arts!


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