Friday, December 29, 2006

Naokokokoko back in Japan!!

I found this cool website which allows you to follow a flight path of any plane and best of all the program was free! So it was fun to see the progress of Naokos Flight NW 7 back to Narita airport in Japan.

Tyler and I watched as Naoko went through the "shoe department" and it looked like she kept the ones she had. We offered some spare 'official carryon' bags but she opted for the brown paper bag. She must have learned that from Tyler.

Here they are showing her hand held shot that she does so well. Her camera is a Fuji with a pretty wide angle lens....I'm jealous..again. Bryans camera makes me jealous too.

We ate at the Wild Orchid in Tacoma the night before her flight. The food was very delicious and we enjoyed our time together with Tyler and Naoko, Sandra, Danny, Sarah, Andy, Theo and myself.

On the day after Christmas we ate and ate and ate.... seems we did a lot of that. There was a balance of good healthy vegetarian and the taste of recently acquired fowl. It was all great!

Tyler is seen here enjoying some interesting Japanese treats. Naoko is advising him of their origins and benefits.

Theo is going to miss his dear entertainer. Naoko became Theos prized help in moments of distress. She would get his attention doing things Theo enjoyed, these "secrets of Japan" are now known to us. Thanks Naoko!! and "domo!, domo!"

Heeere's US!!! Don't we look nice?


At 11:01 PM, Blogger Lydia said...

beyond nice!!

At 7:38 AM, Blogger New at This... said...

looking for the norman rockwell signiture! great picture...their seems to be less of these anymore as picture taking has become a little to easy


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